二、Community care development Organization:
因為HIV/AIDS以及飢餓而導致的死亡率節節升高,在貧民窟Mathare有非常緊急的需求透過食物的供給、教育、以及衣物的救濟來幫助孤兒。Ccdo為一個教會組織相關的非營利組織,並且登記在奈洛比文化社會服務局底下。Ccdo目前有大約50位5-18歲的孤兒,但是數字還不段在增加,因此需要更多的資金來照顧更多的孤兒。Ccdo透過收集貧民窟Mathare的資料以及和孩童有關的資訊收息的收集來幫助特定的貧民窟兒童。目前最需要的物資:學習教材 、志工 、糧食、二手衣物、書籍和文具以及所有能夠在家使用的物品
Pastor Henry Odero Mugoya Coordinator, orphan childcare programme E-mail address: comcaredev@yahoo.com Fax 803257 Tel: 0733373861 0r 0722631845
Mathare位於肯亞首都奈洛比,是肯亞最大的貧民窟,約有 180,000人口,當地人民的識字率低、對於疾病的知識以及健康教育也十分的不足,因此疾病奪去了很多人的生命,而愛滋寶寶以及孤兒也成為社區的一個很大的問題。雨季來臨時,洪水常常沖毀掉許多簡陋的房舍、甚至是小孩,也因為貧民窟的環境衛生建設不完全,常常造成許多疾病的傳染。
Community care development Organization (Ccdo)
現金(或支票)。7/3 抵達肯亞後將會親自將所募得款項全數捐給Ccdo。
e-mail: 93501048@nccu.edu.tw
銀行代碼:700 (郵局)
帳號:0041367 0373311
2007年7月13日 星期五
Fund-raising_Thank you note
Good case--St. Joseph Vacational training center
St. Joseph Vocational Training Center-Mlolongo
Tel: 020 820114, 0722 992778
Email: st.josephvtc05@rediffmail.com
I visited this school on Thursday morning. I am impressed by it because its outstanding performence. They teach computer engineering, tailoring, accountancy and motor at school, where students are from poor families. However, most of them can get good jobs after they graduate.
The schools work with different partners in Kenya. For example, the school provides the motor vehicle service, repairs and maintenance of all vehicles from Nissan and Opel. The graduates can work in Nissan but the school is required to take care of the graduates for three months to follow up the graduates’ performance.
They have library, computer labs, free internet, and female dorms. And all of the courses are very well organized. Where did they get the capital? First of all, it’s a Christian church so they can get some financial support from Christians. Second, the priest is an Indian. He uses his network, inviting Indians and his friends to visit school and do fund raising. He got the place for school from Hindu council, which is just a few steps away from my host family. (There are a lot of wealthy Indians in Kenya. Kenyans always complain that Indians make too much money in Kenya.) Just can’t believe the school just starts for 5 years!!!
The school needs textbooks for library. If anyone who wants to donate your textbooks, you can write email to the school for more information.
13,July working journal
Folks, listen!!
We were talking about the characteristics of entrepreneurs. Someone said “God fearing.” At the first few seconds, I couldn’t catch what her meant. After a while, I realized I was in the place with a lot of Christians. As a Buddhist, I don’t have this kind of conception in my mind.
I just wrote “god fearing” on the blackboard, and one corrected me that “god” should be capitalized. I apologized right away. Well, you should be careful when u deal with people who have different religions from you. There are chances that you might offend them by languages.
Just like I said before, matatu is the most popular vehicles in Kenya. According to one drive, there are more than 40,000 matatus. Matatu is much expensive than bus for its shorter transportation time) Any color will be fine as long as it has the yellow lines on the middle. ( I saw blue, purple, green, orange, black, white...colors)They play Kenyan music on the matatu, which is the moment I really enjoy a lot. Those matatus are so funky that I always keep my eyes on them when I am on matatu. Matatu drivers are very naughty because they drive very fast and sometimes ignore the passers-by. There are two staffs on a matatu. One is driver and another is collect man. Driver can choose collect man himself, usually his good friends so that they can cooperate well together!!
African newspaper
肯亞有很多不同報社,就我的印象來說,有Standard、Business daily等,販售的地點不在超商,而是在路邊,小販會用碎玻璃壓著不同份的報紙擺在地上,還有另外一種,就是在車陣中賣報紙,就很像台灣在高速公路交流道附近賣玉蘭花一樣,只是肯亞人賣的是報紙,穿梭車陣中,真的令人心驚膽跳。
今天向各位介紹的是Daily Nation:
運動版: 最近最熱門的就是9th all Africa games。運動就好像是肯亞的民族榮譽,他們非常重視的一環。其中熱門項目包括足球、田賽、徑賽。其中有一個標題是”Young Athletes target medals.”所以可見他們是多麼重視運動這塊了。
廣告:其實就跟台灣差不多,車子、徵才,不過有個很特別的是他們會放很多類似像尋人啟示的東西,他們叫transition,內容包含悼念逝世一週年或是剛死亡的親人、感謝函,特別的是他們會放上照片,多了照片這感覺就比較有感情了,標題多半是”1 year later (after death)”、2nd Anniversary (of death)、death and funeral announcement、Time to rest、Celebration of a life well livedc或者是感謝的如appreciation ..等,內容都寫的很真摯,會有一些關於他們的小故事或者是他們的為人,曾經幫助過哪些人。
My first Kenyan National Park
Hells gate位於Lake Naivasha附近。入門票台幣五十元因為我們有AIESEC為我們做的student residents證明,有了這張證明我們就可以拿到比較便宜的門票,最便宜是citizenàresidentsàtourists。國際學生證在這邊沒用的。
這個國家公園在肯亞是很小的國家公園,但根本就一望無際,如果在台灣根本應該是屬一屬二大的吧,台灣因為地形狹窄所以沒辦法看到群山坐落在寬廣土地的景色,那種寬闊的景觀讓我產生對自然的崇拜。在肯亞多數的國家公園你不能下車觀賞動物,但Hells gate可讓旅客下車靠近動物,所以你可以選擇走路、騎腳踏車或開車,但相對的很多旅客因此而受傷的案件也頻傳。我們是沒錢的學生,所以我們選擇走路,但走路或騎腳踏車真的很棒,因為可以細細品嚐風景,最好是清晨或是夕陽西下時去,因為只有這時動物會出來覓食。
我看到zebra, baboon, giraffe, kudu, buffalo, steenbok, gazelle等,他們都很安靜地在遠處覓食。我們在Discovery頻道看到的動物節目多半會有很多聲音的收錄,但是在國家公園,一切都很安靜,因為空間太大,不太容易聽到非常驚心動魄的動物奔跑聲。不過看到動物和自然合諧共處,真的很棒。Zebra和buffalo是互相依靠的兩群體,zebra在草叢前線覓食,隨時注意敵人,而buffalo則在草叢後,但是buffalo可以保護zebra。導遊告訴我們長頸鹿其實很危險,因為它很高而且腳很長所以很有可能一腳就把人給踹死了。有些動物對紅色非常敏感,因為它們曾經被一個以紅色衣服為主的民族大量獵殺,所以他們看到紅色時會提高警覺。在肯亞有一個樹種,它會長黑色果實叫Yellow Fever,當然你不會因為它而被傳染Yellow Fever,黑色果實會躲著黑螞蟻和紅螞蟻兩種,我們就敲黑色果實,如果快速有東西冒出來就是紅螞蟻,但黑螞蟻很懶惰,所以他們出來的很慢,哈。
現在我對黑人比較放心了,其實我還滿喜歡跟他們相處的,你可以第一線知道他們的心情,就像坐Matatu雖然你跟很多人擠在同台車,不過你和其他人聊天的機會就增多了,有時候當車子滿時,車上收錢的人會探出頭說嘿抱歉今天生意太好沒辦法讓你上去阿,我今天晚上回家時,問一個司機說”有沒有到kusi lane他馬上很熱心的說I will show u, dear. Don’t worry! 其實在這邊我開始學會在跟別人聊天之前說hey , how are you? 有這樣的開頭可以讓陌生人的距離更親近。書上說肯亞人不會吝嗇給微笑,果然是真的!
在肯亞生活並不是很簡單,因為賺的錢不多但是物價卻很高,很多人根本就沒有到過城外,更別提有寬廣的眼界了 很多人只有過一天算一天的生活哲學,貪污也非常的嚴重,比如說道路的修建,速度很慢,因為很多工人很懶惰、很多修建道路的錢都被貪掉了,所以很多肯亞的建設都因此而落後。
My Indian life and Rotary experience in Kenya
Since I stay at one Indian lady’s house, I have the upper hand to experience Indian life. I always feel like I stay in India and Kenya at the same moment. The laday’s name is Shobana, whom I always call "mama." She is a lady with kindness and decency.
Every time when I take matatu back home, I always meet some Indians. When I arrive home, I have Indian food ( the housekeeper worked in one Indian restaurant for 16 years) and watch Bollywood movies. Mama always shows me what’s going on of the Indian movies and series. Sometimes we go to diamond plaza, one Indian market, to have ice creams and visit Indian shops. To my surprise, I see a lot of Buddha statue on the Indian shops. I don’t know it’s so popular in India.
I just met one of her old Indian friend, Sumant. He took me to the golf club on Wednesday afternoon. I met a lot of great men there. There are around 10 golf courses in Nairobi. After the game, I had 3 red wines and bites with his Indian friends. They are all businessmen and Rotarians. Here, I can experience the "luxury and poor life" and "Kenyan and Indian life."
About the Rotary, for these few days I joined two Rotary meetings one in Holiday Inn and another in Nairobi Social club center. Henry (the director of Community care development org.) brought me there. I introduced myself and met some important persons there to see if there’s any chance to involve in the project in Rotary. Because of Henry, Rotary started the sanitation and other programs in several slums.
People might ask me why I want to join Rotary’s activities? I would like to visit different organizations and see how they work. So, Rotary should be one of my lists. Besides, it’s nice to meet different levels of people in the same society. In this way, I can know the real Kenya (not just the poverty in Kenay). But don’t worry, I will stick to my traineeship plan and I won’t lose focus on what I want to do in these three months.
Job description of my traineeship
1. Issue: entrepreneurship
Background: Many people in the slum don’t know how to make money and run business. Unemployment is one of the most serious issues right now, especially in the slum. In the slum, I always see people hang around on the streets doing nothing. Besides, a lot of them don’t receive education or they don’t have any job training at school. Even though a lot of graduates have some skills, they can’t run business or make money. Besides, in order to reduce the poverty in the slum and to make parents afford to pay tuition for their children to receive better education, we decided to deliver entrepreneurship sessions in the slum.
Target: secondary school students and parents in the slum.
Plan: Entrepreneurship introduction, business ideas scanning, marketing, advertising, and business plan. After that, we have BP competition and winners can get the financial support from sponsors like Rotary and Lions club.
2. Issue: HIV/AIDS consulting and epilepsy clinic consulting
Background: In order to know more about HIV/AIDS, epilepsy, and consulting knowledge and give positive impact on the patients in the slum, I will do the consulting in the local clinic. Besides, they still lack trainers to educate people the knowledge of sanitation, so I can help them by involving myself in consulting.
Targets: patients and patients’ family
Plan: I will be trained by the clinic first and after one week I can start to work in the slum.
3. Teaching English in secondary school.
I will keep my working journal in the slum. So, don’t miss it!!