1. Issue: entrepreneurship
Background: Many people in the slum don’t know how to make money and run business. Unemployment is one of the most serious issues right now, especially in the slum. In the slum, I always see people hang around on the streets doing nothing. Besides, a lot of them don’t receive education or they don’t have any job training at school. Even though a lot of graduates have some skills, they can’t run business or make money. Besides, in order to reduce the poverty in the slum and to make parents afford to pay tuition for their children to receive better education, we decided to deliver entrepreneurship sessions in the slum.
Target: secondary school students and parents in the slum.
Plan: Entrepreneurship introduction, business ideas scanning, marketing, advertising, and business plan. After that, we have BP competition and winners can get the financial support from sponsors like Rotary and Lions club.
2. Issue: HIV/AIDS consulting and epilepsy clinic consulting
Background: In order to know more about HIV/AIDS, epilepsy, and consulting knowledge and give positive impact on the patients in the slum, I will do the consulting in the local clinic. Besides, they still lack trainers to educate people the knowledge of sanitation, so I can help them by involving myself in consulting.
Targets: patients and patients’ family
Plan: I will be trained by the clinic first and after one week I can start to work in the slum.
3. Teaching English in secondary school.
I will keep my working journal in the slum. So, don’t miss it!!
2007年7月13日 星期五
Job description of my traineeship
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