2007年8月25日 星期六

Graduation ceremony of Entrepreneurship Programme

Today is the graduation ceremony of entrepreneurship programme. As a lecturer, I was there at the ceremony also. I was glad to see almost all of my students there. Let me brief you Entrepreneurship programme first. After the trip in the slum, we found out that people are starving, on the brink of starvation or can’t afford tuition for their children even though they’ve tried hard to run their own business. The reason is that they don’t have knowledge about business and they don’t have financial support. Therefore, three of us, Phoebe from UK, Seth from Netherlands and I from Taiwan, decided to launch Entrepreneurship programme in the slum, teaching people the basic knowledge about how to run their business, including entrepreneurship, setting up the business idea, marketing, advertising, and cash flow. After that, we gave them the template of business plan and asked them to fill in their business idea. After that, we asked some people who are well-experienced on microfinance to revise business plans. Right now we are looking for the bank and other microfinancial organization to give them loan or money to start their own business. I believe that only the knowledge and the financial support could empower the people in the slum to make their life better.
At the graduation ceremony, I got a lot of positive feedback from students and other social workers. Many of them wanted to take the photos with me and said ‘May, you will be here with us, right? You know we need your help.’ ‘I’ve been to your class and I think u really did a good job.’
Right now we are moving forward to another new start of entrepreneurship programme, making it more organized. We are doing the manual of the programme and trying to approach more externals to get the financial support. On the other hand, we help the graduates to start their own business by arranging counseling with well-experienced businessmen.
I am happy to see the students learn and grow up from the entrepreneurship programme. Their success will be my pleasure. I still have about four weeks to go and I will try my best to help them!! I hope to leave something valuable for people here and make people’s life better. This is my goal of my internship!

Lamu archipelago, the diamond of Kenya


在這島上,pole pole (慢慢來)是一切的準則。

我總共拜訪了三個disco,在這邊的夜晚沒有電視,店舖都關了,所以最棒的休閒娛樂莫過於暢飲幾罐冰涼的啤酒,跳跳舞,聽聽音樂了。我們去沙灘上的disco,我們一手拿著啤酒,跟著音樂搖擺,跳累了看天上的星星,享受海風,就這樣跳舞,沒有爭奇鬥豔,就這樣沉醉在音樂裡,盡情搖擺!另外一家Petely’s Inn是一家比較高檔的酒吧,牆的一角是吧台,另外的三個角落擺著非常棒的籐製躺椅,中間則讓客人跳舞,酒吧的兩邊有落地窗面對著海洋,客人可以舒服地躺在椅子上,享受雷鬼或是其他音樂!另外一家就是比較純粹在聽音樂喝啤酒或是飲料的地方,當地人很喜歡啃一種植物,它可以讓人整晚都精神非常振奮,所以他們通常都不睡太久,它不是毒品、味道很苦,所以必須配合著口香糖一起咀嚼,我問了Bakari(船長)他們島上的居民平均年齡,他說約60歲,我告訴他們在台灣平均年齡約70,我們活得比你們常久因為我們沒有這種植物可以啃哪!這邊的夜晚真的沒有太多的娛樂可言,所以居民多半都聚在一塊聊天喝酒,但這種娛樂僅止男人以及外國觀光客,不包含當地女性在內。
我們住的地方一晚500塊台幣,和其房客共用浴室,設備非常簡單,有電風扇還有蚊帳,其實設備不是重點,重點在於景觀,窗戶面對著印度洋,在那邊待了兩晚,早上醒來第一眼看到的是映在天花板上的粼粼波光,我可以賴在床上或是坐在陽台享受柔柔的陽光,看著人來人往的碼頭,喝個一瓶水作為一天的開始。不用煩惱要趕赴幾點的約會還有數不完的文件工作,就把手機關掉,這是屬於自己的時間,遠離塵囂,淨化自己心靈,簡單、慢慢來,旅館的頂樓可以看星星,有床還有躺椅可以讓房客使用,有一晚我們就待在旅館頂樓,聽著音樂,看星星,有時加入聊天陣容。如果手頭比較不緊,可以選擇較高級的住宿,你可有獨棟的茅草屋(Swahili traditional house),裡面有吊床、衛浴設備還有一些南洋的裝飾還有專屬的服務生。在這裡,還是氣氛最為重要,不論是簡單的或是豪華的旅館,都有它的特色在,唯一相同點就是鄰近海洋還有非常慢的步調。

船(dhow trip)

另外一次的旅程比較特別,是我和我的荷蘭朋友,一個船長Bakari,一個船員Baji,四個人一起出航到Manta toto還有船長的島上去。我們帶了睡袋、木炭、爐子、油燈、食物、水、釣具、還有音樂出航。這次我們比較幸運,途中釣到了很多魚,我就釣到了六隻,其實這都要托Bakari的福,他是個非常有經驗的船長,可以說是拉姆島屬一屬二的船長,他說,在他的人生中,他不曾在第三名之外,他大約40歲,仍然單身,他覺得單身是種自由,我問他在拉姆島有幾個女朋友,他說100個,他很喜歡跳舞,常常沒事就拉著我一起跳,Bakari真是個風流的船長阿。Baji是個captain to be,他很會煮飯,拿手菜是椰奶咖哩,我們吃現做的椰奶,這是我第一是次看椰奶的製作過程,從一顆完整個椰子到椰奶;我們先炒洋蔥、然後放入咖哩粉以及胡椒粉,接著放入煮好的馬鈴薯、胡羅蔔及包心菜燉煮,就完成了好吃的椰奶咖哩。我們烹調魚的方式是,把魚放入調好的醬料裡面醃十分鐘,然後放在爐子上烤,獨特的醬料把魚的鮮味帶出來,簡直是人間美味。我們早中晚餐都吃魚,吃現釣的魚,非常新鮮,身為一個饕客,這實在是頂級享受。
除了釣魚,就是躺在船上看書,享受陽光。此外,我還跟船長學如何開船、如何掌舵,我航行了兩小時,於是我就成為了這艘船的船長!Bakari稱呼我為senior captain!!甚至其他船隻船員看到我也紛紛稱讚我是good captain!掌控船隻航行的感覺真好,這真是滿足了我想當女船長的癮。到了晚上我們就放音樂在船上跳舞或是聊天,或是看天上星星。一早醒來,當Baji在準備早餐時,我們就跳進海裡游泳,不像一般的海水浴場,整個海洋我只看得到我們的船還有自己人,我的心擁抱整個海洋,這種心境是我不曾經歷過的。等到早餐煮好我就由回船上吃飯,吃完再跳回去游泳,如果想尿尿就在海裏面尿,如果想大便就在海裏面大便,這是我第一次看到我自己的便便浮在海上,呵!更精采的是,正當我們在用早餐時,在離船的不遠處,我們看到成群的海豚游出水面,這是最美的驚喜了!在船上有足夠的時間可以想像、做白日夢,這對平日的我來說簡直是奢侈的享受,但我在這,可以從容的度過每一刻,時間是我的,時間走的很慢,我聽見我自己的心聲、找自己,在台灣的朋友總是跟我抱怨他們的暑假太忙、沒時間休息,我很慶幸自己可以走出庸碌的紅塵俗世,慢慢地過我的自在生活、不再被時間追著跑,像一隻自在的魚。


working journal 20070817

The house girl of my host family was prisoned few days before because she stole the wire from the neighbor. There are always a lot of people in front of the police station because there are too many criminals prisoned everyday. Due to the poverty, people steal the money or beg. I really feel so sorry for beggars and thieves because they have no idea about their future and they don’t have the right attitude about their life. Nobody tells them to go back to school or go to work; consequently, they just fool around on the street.
The new semester just started and I came back to school and taught, and I was shocked by the sharply decreasing number of students, dropping from 31 to 6. The teachers told me because parents didn’t pay tuition or they don’t care about whether their children go to school or not. So many school children are idling around with their friends on the streets. I felt so bad to see this. The parents in the slum don’t think that secondary education is necessary. Teachers told me that some of the students dropped out to learn dancing. I think it’s ok to learn dancing but secondary school level is still basic education and it will help them to mind their own business when they grow up. I think parents in the slum need to be educated first.

Terrible traffic in Nairobi
Nairobi is notorious for its terrible traffic. I saw one man died of car accident on the main road few days before. I felt so bad about it and I still panic when I cross the road. There’s no right for the passers-by on the street here in Nairobi. And if I travel at rush hour, it would be very terrible as well because the transportation time and fare will double at the same time, which is very annoying, isn’t it.

Having been here for almost two months, I get tougher and braver to deal with Kenyans. For example, if I find that I am over-charged by the sellers, I will get angry and tell him or her that ‘I am really tired of this and don’t piss me off again. Don’t ever think about giving me mzugu(the white) price.’ Today, when I was in matatu, I paid 10 sh for transportation but the matatu tout asked for another 10 sh. Then, I told him that I’ve been here for more than one and half month and I know the price. My words shouted his mouth up.
Let me tell you the price level here. Agricultural products are cheap here. Each corn and tomato is 2.5 NT dollars. But imported goods are very expensive like electricity. Most of the electricity in Kenya is imported from Uganda. Here in Kenya, water is always more expensive than the juice. At clubs, people have to pay more for water than beer. (Water is essential to our life, according to the bartender.) People here like to have fatty food. Almost everything is fried and meat. They can have half chicken or a quarter of it for one meal. I wonder how many chickens people consume every day in Nairobi. It must be more than 2000. Even though the food is not good but the life is good here!!! I always experience difference things here every day.